Where and when?
We love to gather and enjoy Jesus, and we love it when visitors join us! All our in-person services and Kid’s ministry meetings have safe, sufficient space and ventilation. Do consider joining us either in-person or via our Sunday Livestream.
In-Person Sunday Services At Emmanuel Church, Lorraine:
09:00 - 09:30 - Kid’s Church - Sunday Bible Lesson
09:30 - 11:00 - Morning Worship Service (Including Kid’s Care, Crèche & Baby Parent Facilities during the service)
18:00 - 19:00 Evening Service
We aim to encourage our kids to be part of our worship services, however, there is Child Care during our 09:30 service for those younger ones who might be disruptive or not yet ready to sit through.
Alternatively catch our weekly services online or go to our Youtube channel and watch the sermon on Sunday Mornings at 9.30 am
Kid’s & Youth FRIDAYS at Emmanuel:
16:30 - 18:30 - Kid’s Club (All kids 4 yrs to 12 yrs)
19:00 - 21:00 - Youth (All Teens 13 yrs to 18 yrs)
Special Note: All our leaders and volunteers serving in our Kid’s & Youth ministries have your kids’ best interests at heart. The leaders each undergo strict Police clearance & screening, as well as leadership training (as per our Child Protection Policy), and they are committed to seeing your kid’s safely grow and develop in learning about and loving Jesus.
‘to be a people committed to the real Jesus, to be growing in Christ and calling others to Him’
We are a gospel-centred church that aims to put Jesus first in all we do. We believe that it is all about loving and living for Jesus, and that when the world sees our love for one another, they get a glimpse of what God’s love is like. When we are changed by this love (the Gospel) it is impossible to keep this within the walls of our church building or homes. This therefore shapes all that we do, in our local communities, city and work beyond our local borders.
Come along and join us - see what what this is all about. We’d love to get to know you! Join us on Sundays at either of our services, or connect with any one of our Life Groups who meet around Port Elizabeth. If you have kids, bring them along to any one of our Kid’s or Youth Programs...
Get involved
Come join in as we live out this gospel-centred conviction by
Connect with God and His Family
Grow in knowing God in Word and relationship
Serve God and His Kingdom