In March 2017 events unfolded that most certainly are the culmination of years of prayer and faithful gospel ministry in Namibia. After a long period of struggle and difficulty a group of 6 clergy and 8 lay leaders chose to separate themselves from their denomination and form their own association, the Namibia Evangelical Anglican Council (NEAC). This departure did not come easily as these servants would give up much to stand for truth. Their decision would involve financial sacrifice, social difficulties and even some persecution. However, they knew in their conscience that they could not remain in an increasingly liberal denomination and chose rather to pay the price of separation.
The seeds of this decision were sown at GAFCON Nairobi 2013, where the Namibian delegation grew great encouragement from a global alliance of like-minded believers. Relationships were particularly established with bishops from REACH-South Africa and this resulted in ongoing informal discussions about ways to advance faithful gospel ministry in Namibia.
In March 2017, the leaders of NEAC and two bishops from REACH-SA met to discuss a way forward for Evangelical Anglican ministry in Namibia. In a historic decision, the entire NEAC elected to join REACH-Namibia rather than form another evangelical Anglican denomination in that country. This alliance of gospel partners can only serve to strengthen the work of the gospel in Namibia.
A vibrant celebration service was held on March 18th, where the Windhoek Agreement was formally ratified before a congregation of over 200 people. In the following months, a number of meetings and fellowship events are planned between the various churches in this new expanded partnership of REACH-Nam churches. There will also be regular training and outreach visits between our two countries.
We praise God for His faithfulness and give thanks for the many servants of the Word who have laboured and prayed for the gospel to grow in this amazing country.
Please remember the work in Namibia through your regular prayers. Our God is at work.
You can also find out more about how to get involved with REACH-SA’s ongoing gospel partnership with REACH-Nam through “Churches for Namibia”